As we know the film cameras or the handy-cams are usually made for recording or shooting videos. But the digital cameras consist not only recording but it has many other functions. Canon provides us with application software along with each digital camera. Not only this, CiSRA's ZoomBrowser EX software is one of the best application software provided along with Canon Cameras.
Managing, acquiring and utilizing digital images are the major applications of ZoomBrowser EX.. In addition to Aspect Ratio Zooming that is its unique method of browsing, ZoomBrowser EX has many other functions to be accessed. Like there are functions for editing, viewing, and printing a users image as well as it provides access to the internet facilities of digital photo relevant.
When you first use ZoomBrowser, the functions of acquiring, storing manipulating and printing digital images are all guided to you through an easy to use, step by step interface. All you have to do henceforth is; just connect your camera and watch the images appearing automatically. You just have to click a single button and watch the images appearing on CiSRA’s photo recorder. Immediately your photo albums are ready for sharing and printing.
With this program we can set the parameters to the RAW image before editing it.
Comments (12)
Great for selecting bracketed files and moving to a new folder for HDR batch processing.